Casual … Ivy Park: «@weareivypark» @beyonce
InstagramDa freuen wir uns: «Goodbye Ibiza I am off to zurich #peterhahn #ibiza #zurich #jetlag #newfavourite @berenfordeyewear» @anja_leuenberger
InstagramEin hochinteressanter #tbt von Britney Spears: «tbt» @britneyspears
InstagramAlso merken, Café Haleiwa: «15 years later and these lovely ladies still remember my order Every morning I had breakfast #CafeHaleiwa while filming #BlueCrush - the food is delicious and the company generous & kind. If you are in Haleiwa, Oahu make sure to do yourself a favor and stop by xo» @katebosworth
InstagramErst twinnen mit Lily Aldridge: «Twinning @emrata» @lilyaldridge
Instagram… dann Selfie-Time mit Kim Kardashian: «When we're like...we both have nothing to wear LOL @emrata» @kimkardashian
InstagramHosen-Neid: «Proudly serving my disco dance jeans all day, everyday for some serious disco ball moves. Jeans are from @dontcryofficial #DontCryJeans» @kristinabazan
InstagramFrisuren-Neid: «Tequila Sunset» @emmaroberts
InstagramOb Kanye noch immer wütend ist? Kylie für Puma: «The next level starts here. Fierce worn by @KylieJenner. Coming 4.1. #ForeverFierce» @puma
InstagramSchon gesehen? Gut, wir auch! So zwei-, dreimal … «Tuesday. JLo. JCo. Don't miss our Primetime #CarpoolKaraokespecial at 10pm, March 29 on CBS!» @latelateshow
Instagram«Even #WonderWoman gotta sleep #YoungAtHeart #SweetDreams» @juliarestoinroitfeld